Another Example for Heterogeneous Nucleation

Reference Folder: $Pandat_Installation_Folder\Pandat 2025 Examples\PanEvolution\Fe-Mn-C_Heterogeneous_Nucleation\PanFe.kdb

In the example of Section An Example KDB file for Heterogeneous Nucleation, the heterogeneous nucleation sites and nucleation barrier energy were treated as adjustable parameters and were given manually by the user based on available experimental data. In this example, the potential heterogeneous nucleation sites and nucleation barrier energy are estimated by theoretical models as discussed in Section Precipitation Nucleation(b) depending on the selected nucleation type.

<PrecipitatePhase name="Cementite_GB" phase_name="Cementite" model="kwn" morphology="Sphere" nucleation = "Grain_Boundary" growth="simp">

<PrecipitatePhase name="Cementite_Dislocation" phase_name="Cementite" model="kwn" morphology="Sphere" nucleation="Dislocation" growth="simp">

The nucleation type can be specified when defining a precipitate phase. In this example, two different type of heterogeneous nucleation are defined for “Cementite” phase: one at “Grain_Boundary” and the other at “Dislocation”.